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Showing posts from June, 2018

Matcha Green Tea Cake Roll and Coffee

I love green tea to no end.  It's the tea of choice for myself when I'm at home in the afternoons.  If I'm in the mood for only a cup of green tea instead of an entire pot, I reach for my precious supply of matcha powder.  I've never, however, eaten anything made with matcha until this weekend. After getting over what seemed like the worst cold ever, I felt good enough for some dessert.   I've repurposed this large fish knife for cake slicing. Cake rolls are the perfect thing to serve for those who don't like sweet cakes. Made with a sponge cake base (eggs, sugar, milk and flour--no butter), the finished product produces a very light cake that can be served with either tea or coffee.  It's great for a luncheon dessert or for the end to a weekend dinner.  Cake served on a vintage cake stand. Matcha Green Tea Cake Roll Recipe Vintage Wedgwood Queensware, old lustreware dessert plates and antique silverware.  Matcha po...

Sprinkles Birthday Cake

Cheerful, bright, colorful and immeasurably edible, are just some of the ways to describe a sprinkles birthday cake.  That is exactly the type of cake I baked for a dear neighbor's daughter over the weekend, and I did all of it in a matter of hours.  It's almost a foolproof cake that is bound to appeal to kids and adults alike if you use the best ingredients, and if you cover the cake in Swiss meringue buttercream.  Sprinkles Birthday Cake I've seen sprinkles cakes vary in the amount of jimmies used for decorating, from some being completely covered to others being lightly sprinkled.  For this sweet birthday cake, I decided to sprinkle only the bottom third of the double layer cake.   After baking two 8" round yellow cakes (the 1-2-3-4 cake never disappoints) and letting them cool, I made one batch of Swiss meringue buttercream, and tinted it a very light, electric pink.   Once that was done, I secured a cardboard cake round in the center...