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Showing posts from April, 2015

Jamie Godfrey

I'd like to introduce you to a creative individual who comes from the world of design and merchandising.  Jamie Godfrey's background as a home products designer for Ralph Lauren and Martha Stewart, has given him the inspiration to create a line of handcrafted products under his own brand.  The assortment of textiles, candles and published novels are available through his website, Jamie Godfrey .  His product line of home goods introduces us to Jamie's personal style, which I find to be fresh, crisp and quite pleasing to the eye.  Jamie offers us beautiful, and thoughtfully designed, fabric by the yard through his  Etsy Shop .  His color palette is one that I instantly connect with, as I'm sure many of you will too. The soothing color of celadon in a Y pattern is suited for many uses throughout the home, such as bed linens and upholstery.  The celadon-colored chain pattern can also be used for upholstery, but it can successfully be utilized for t...

Paw Patrol Cookies

My youngest nephew is about to celebrate his birthday with friends and family, and this year's party theme will be Paw Patrol.  Apparently kids adore these doggie characters to no end!  Wanting to surprise my nephew, I made several dozen cookies in bright colors and charming shapes.  After scouring images on the internet, I found a few that I wanted to recreate, but I also set about interpreting one of these characters with my own dog design, to put that Good Things by David stamp on them.  I kept the representations simple and bright.  Perfect for any kid! Your kids don't have to be into Paw Patrol to have these cookies at their birthday party.  I can easily see them for anyone who is fascinated with pooches, and for those who are at the stage of wanting to be firemen when they grow up.  Iced in red, ice blue, bright yellow and white, the Paw Patrol inspired cookies will have everyone pawing over doggie bones, paw prints and firehouse dalmati...

Daffodils, Spring and Happiness

I was recently asked what my favorite spring flower was.  Without even thinking twice about it, I responded with daffodils.  Daffodils are such beautiful, delicate flowers that never fail to capture my eye if I spot them in people's gardens, at the markets and around my own home.  These harbingers of spring really do make me happy with thoughts of what the season has to offer. Spring is all about renewal and turning over a new leaf.  After reconnecting with a dear friend of mine and having conversations about moving forward with one's day to day life, I realized that it's the little things that matter.  I also recognized the fact that I'm in a very good place in my life at the moment.  I have so much to be thankful for, and for that, I am happy.  In fact, I am very happy! I've said it before here on the blog that I'm not much of a person who has to have freshly cut flowers in my home at all times, but when I can get something from the grounds...

Using My Jadeite

It's not a coincidence that I ardently began to collect jadeite several years ago. The color green has always been my favorite color since I can remember, and the tones of my vintage jadeite, along with the variations found in the Martha by Mail  jadeite, fit in nicely with my color of choice.  Collectors will probably agree with me when I say that the cool, opaque-green nature of jadeite soothes as well as brightens any kitchen, cabinet or table top. Like those collector friends of mine whom I keep in close contact with whenever I have a jadeite question (they know who they are!), this glass gets used periodically in my home.  It's never far out of reach or tucked away in the attic where it's inaccessible.  The glassware is proudly displayed somewhere when it's not in use, and when it is being utilized for a particular task, then it's on the counter.  On any given day, I may use one of my restaurant ware cups by Fire King for my afternoon tea, and...

Martha's Green Glass

Martha's Green Glass encompasses a very time-specific collection of glass that was produced exclusively for the Martha by Mail catalog from the late 1990s through the end of 2004.  It is an assortment of glass for the home instantly recognizable by ardent collectors of jadeite, because of the unique shapes, markings and color variations.  Martha's Green Glass was created for Martha by Mail by three of this country's most distinguished glassworks: Fenton, L.E. Smith and Mosser. There are those who feel that the introduction of jadeite through Martha by Mail, flooded the jadeite collectors market, which has since caused confusion among budding collectors.  This, along with the introduction of the Fire King 2000 line, continues to irk some collectors and vendors; once you get familiar with what was produced when, it isn't all too difficult to distinguish what is what. Others will tell you that the variations in color for this product line don't agree with their ...