I had the most marvelous afternoon this past weekend while visiting my friends' property nearby. If you remember a short while ago, I promised you that I would visit the chickens that lay those beautiful eggs, which we've been partaking of here at home. I finally took that much-needed trip to see the "ladies" and visit my friends. When I arrived, I noticed that some of the flowers near the home and around the outbuildings were still in bloom. The garden planted by my friends, Luke and Alicia, was bursting with vegetables ready for harvesting. To top it all off, the sky was as clear and blue as the ocean. Our area of Pennsylvania has been experiencing very warm temperatures of late. The days have been feeling more like midsummer than early fall, but you won't hear me complaining because I don't mind sunny days and eighty degree temps. I'll take this weather and whatever the garden has to offer, any day. Years ago, I visited this beaut
~ Sharing Good Things for a Good Life ~