'Tis the season to partake of fruitcake. Fruitcakes have been around for millennia, and they have developed throughout the centuries based on what was available and what was allowed by religion. Countries around the world are known for their own distinct versions of this holiday sweet. Panforte in Italy, Birnebrot in Switzerland, Stollen in Germany, Le Cake in France, Bollo de Higo in Spain, Christmas Cake in Canada, Black Cakes from the Caribbean, and our very own American Fruitcake which is rich in nuts, candied fruits, brandy or other liqueurs. My very first memories of fruitcake were from the time I was around five years old. My father's cousin, Rachel, and her son would bring us homemade fruitcake several weeks before Christmas, and although us kids never ate any, mom and dad loved having it. I can still see my cousin Peter walking up our driveway holding that small loaf of baked-from-scratch fruitcake. The thing that seemed odd to me, tho...