I just got back from a trip to the Los Angeles area last night and I must say that I had a wonderful time visiting friends & family. Having lived and gone to school there, I have a lot of fond memories of Southern California. Although I had planned on visiting with several people and family members during my stay, I wasn't able to see everyone. The ones I did meet with managed to make my vacation extra special. Going to cafes and chatting or having a cocktail party with long time friends are among my favorite things to do, but spending quiet moments with my family is what it's all about. Having quality time with my dear mother and father, along with my brother's family, is what I look forward to whenever I visit Los Angeles. Picking lemons from dad's many citrus trees and bringing home a suitcase full of them is always a pleasure, because I get to use them as soon as I return to Pennsylvania. Cooking C...
~ Sharing Good Things for a Good Life ~