S ugar pumpkins or pie pumpkins are arriving at supermarkets & farmer's markets right about now. With the start of Fall it seems so fitting and very much of the season to roast a few of these delicious squashes for pies, custards, breads or muffins. So simple to prepare for us to enjoy, it's no wonder I roast several of them whenever I get the chance to do so. Pumpkins contain a lot of beta carotene which converts to essential Vitamin A that we need for good overall health. One cup of this flesh contains in excess of 500 mg. of vital potassium (per the University of Illinois), so why not take advantage of some now? Having cup after cup of smooth puree at my disposal (I keep it frozen in one cup portions) enables me to whip up a batch of pumpkin bread or some tasty pumpkin custards should the mood strike me. Canned pumpkin is a convenient foodstuff which I highly recommend keeping in stock in one's pantry. It's reliable, cons...
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