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Showing posts from January, 2015

Turkey Meatballs Marinara

Eating meatballs marinara is something of an affair for me.  In recent months, I've been cooking them about once a week because they are absolutely delicious.  I can eat the meatballs straight out of the pot without anything else to accompany them, but give me a bowl of pasta or even some plain rice, and I can have a fantastic dinner. Over the years I've had long discussions with aunt Marg and my mother-in-law as to how they like to make their meatballs.  After telling them step by step how I make mine, they both agree that it is, indeed, their way .  Mind you, Aunt Marg and my mother-in-law have been making spaghetti & meatballs for decades now, so it’s nice to know that I make them in the same manner.   Beef or a mix of ground beef & ground pork and/or veal is common if you like making them with those types of meats.  At home, however, I make mine out of ground turkey.  Dark meat or a mix of dark & light is preferable to light...

My Favorite Lemons

My favorite lemons of all time come from my father's trees in California.  I eagerly anticipate these winter trips to the west coast not only to see the extended family and good friends, but to partake of the bounty of lemons at mom & dad's.  For dad to climb up a ladder and pick the best lemons for me to take home is all in a day's work, but to me, it really is something special.  It means everything in the world to be able to bring these fruits back to Pennsylvania.  Although I have to have lemons in my kitchen at all times, with no exceptions, there is nothing like having dad's lemons sitting in one of my bowls or platters. Thin-skinned and very juicy, the lemons get used for both savory and sweet preparations.   With stems and leaves still attached to some of these fruits, I absolutely love the variety of sizes.  It's not like what one finds in the stores; all the same size, the same color and perfectly waxed until they shine.  Th...


MARIAGE FRÈRES Having tea in the afternoon is something I do every single day.  I don't make a production of setting a table just for this purpose, but I do admire the 'art of tea'.  Cultures throughout the world have their rules and etiquette practices when it comes to having tea, and if you partake of this daily ritual, then I'm sure you have your own set ways of enjoying a cup or two.   Mariage Frères, the renowned French purveyor of fine teas and its accoutrements, is a company that elevates the art of tea to a very high level. I've known about this French institution for some time, but it's only recently that I've taken a moment to delve into their ways of proper tea. While perusing The Food Lover's Guide to Paris by Patricia Wells, I came across the tea salons & restaurants of Mariage Frères in Paris (they also have a location in Japan).  It was here that the golden rules established by this venerable tea importer cau...

Kristina Closs ~ Original Art and Prints

Art provides us with a glimpse into the artist's soul.  When I come across an artist’s oeuvre that I connect with, it's only natural for me to want to share it with friends.  Several weeks ago, a Pennsylvania artist who is a reader of the blog, contacted me and told me about her etsy store.  As you can imagine, the moment I clicked on the store and looked at the various watercolors that she offers, I knew I had to introduce you to her.  For me, it was the bird paintings that captured my attention. This is what Kristina says:   "I am a self-taught artist working in watercolor and oil.  My goal is to show the things of day to day life in a new light.  Birds hold a particular fascination because we see them everyday, but they also remain mysterious.  The natural world as a whole is a constant source of inspiration for me and often I will draw from a recent walk, hike or gardening project to create a new painting.  Birds, cabbages and landsca...