The 'Ring and Wedding Cake Cookie Cutters' from the former Martha by Mail catalog are perfect for baking and decorating wedding cookie favors any time of the year. These highly-collectible cookie cutters measuring about six inches by five inches are made of solid copper, and are constructed with closed backs and handles, making it possible to create very memorable cookies for you or for a loved one.
Stamped with 'Engagement Ring' on the handle, the wedding ring shape cuts out large diamond rings. The wedding cake shape, stamped with 'Pedestal Cake' on the handle, cuts out a three-tiered cake set on a pedestal cake stand.
Stamped with 'Engagement Ring' on the handle, the wedding ring shape cuts out large diamond rings. The wedding cake shape, stamped with 'Pedestal Cake' on the handle, cuts out a three-tiered cake set on a pedestal cake stand.
The front of the original Martha by Mail cookie decorating card shows a wedding ring iced in plain white royal icing, with accented cuts on the diamond, and a ring band covered in miniature silver dragées. The tiered wedding cake is iced in a light-green royal icing, and is accented with multi-drop scalloped borders and silver dragées. The pedestal is plain white royal icing.
These cookies are very elegant.
The back of the decorating card shows other renditions of these cookies using different colors and decorating techniques.
Decorating the Cookies
Flooding: Provide a smooth icing base for decorating. Using pastry bag and tip, pipe an outline of icing around area of cookie to be filled in. Let set. Draw icing zigzags within outline. Spread to an even layer with a toothpick or offset spatula.
Piping: Using pastry bag and tip, pipe a design or dots onto a plain cookie or one that's been flooded. For raised piping (ring bands above), underneath icing must be dry; for a smooth, flat design (pink-and-white cake above), pipe on top of wet icing.
Flocking (lower-right cake stand): Draw designs in icing, then sprinkle with sanding sugar. Let stand one hour. Tap off excess sugar. For a metallic effect (ring band on front of card), flood ring band, then sprinkle with silver dragées. Let stand one hour before tapping off excess drags.
Decorating the Cookies
Flooding: Provide a smooth icing base for decorating. Using pastry bag and tip, pipe an outline of icing around area of cookie to be filled in. Let set. Draw icing zigzags within outline. Spread to an even layer with a toothpick or offset spatula.
Piping: Using pastry bag and tip, pipe a design or dots onto a plain cookie or one that's been flooded. For raised piping (ring bands above), underneath icing must be dry; for a smooth, flat design (pink-and-white cake above), pipe on top of wet icing.
Flocking (lower-right cake stand): Draw designs in icing, then sprinkle with sanding sugar. Let stand one hour. Tap off excess sugar. For a metallic effect (ring band on front of card), flood ring band, then sprinkle with silver dragées. Let stand one hour before tapping off excess drags.
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