Martha is due to return to television this fall with a new show on PBS called, Martha Stewart's Cooking School. The half hour lessons on how to cook the basics will once again be a part of our must-see weekend programming, and I for one, can't wait. The format of the new show promises to be scripted, edited & polished much like the original T.V. shows, From Martha's Kitchen and Martha Stewart Living.
I decided to compile clips of the former show on one page for you to enjoy. The classic segments below, from Martha Stewart Living Television, bring us main courses and sides that have become favorites. What I love about going back to these clips is that so much of the content is evergreen and wonderfully produced; one can still learn so much from them. I'm hoping that in the near future the vast archives of Martha Stewart Living Television become available to everyone who wants access them. In the meantime, let's enjoy the segments we do have access to!
Corn Zucchini Quesadillas
Healthy Lunches & Snacks
Healthy Chicken Tacos
Bearnaise with Jacques Pépin & Julia Child
Macaroni & Cheese 101
Burger Four Ways
Eggs with Madeleine Kamman (Part I)
Eggs with Madeleine Kamman (Part II)
Eggs with Madeleine Kamman (Part III)
Eggs Benedict
Easter Pie with John Barricelli
Greek Easter Treats with Diane Kochilas
Red Snapper with Chef Simpson Wong
Special Barbecue Sauce
BBQ Ribs
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Brussels Sprouts
Parker House Rolls
Parker House Rolls
Cornbread Stuffing
Stuffing 101 (Turkey Hill Road Kitchen)
Conan O'Brien touring the
Westport Television Studios:
This comedic segment gives one a sneak
peek at what the former studios were like.
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